We Heard Your Requests

Young girl laughing in office

We heard your requests loud and clear.

We have been diligently working for the past few weeks on our new website for www.1800sellnow.com and we are almost ready to launch.

After speaking to many of you and some pretty Internet savvy entrepreneurs as well, it became VERY obvious that we were missing the boat on the Internet.

I know, I know. Hard to believe in this day and age that someone would actually overlook the Internet. Well, we didn’t really overlook it…we just didn’t focus on it. We have always had a site and have always spent advertising dollars in marketing the site. However it wasn’t until we were slapped around a little bit by some truly amazing Internet entrepreneurs, that we understood the true potential traffic that we could be bringing to our licensees.

So we have been working hard on redeveloping our site to make it easier to use, richer in content, much cleaner, and to rank much better with all of the major search engines. All of these issues will ultimately result in MORE QUALITY MOTIVATED SELLER LEADS for our licensees all over the country. That’s what we are all about – driving that cost per lead through the floor for our licensees.

Some other new features will include

We are very excited and have begun testing the beta site now.

We will make an announcement in the coming days of the actual relaunch date……be looking for it and let us know your thoughts.

As Always, Good Luck in Your Real Estate Investing!!

Kent Clothier
CEO and President
REI Marketing, Inc.

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