Real Estate SEO


Your Real Estate Investment Website

What You Need To Know about SEO

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) helps you get found online and, of course, I can never stress enough the importance of having an online presence. Real Estate investors, particularly, need to take advantage of all that the Internet has to offer; achieving that all-important competitive edge cannot be done without it. When you familiarize yourself with some real estate SEO strategies, your site will reap the rewards. The right SEO techniques are crucial for getting that high ranking you need to drive more traffic, generate more leads, and get the conversions you are after.
Take a look at the following SEO suggestions and put them to work for your real estate investment business:

Know Your Competition

When you know what is going on with your competition you can have a much better compass for the direction you should be taking with your own SEO strategies. Take advantage of the plethora of tools that are out there for research and compete accordingly. You can find out who is ranking and how they are doing it; trust me, if it’s working for them, you can make it work for you. This is definitely one of those situations where you want to emulate the successful.

Get Back To Basics

Basic SEO techniques may seem obvious but that doesn’t make them any less important. Start with onsite SEO and optimize all of your website’s pages by taking care of your due diligence when it comes to titles, meta-descriptions, alt-tags, and filenames that contain proper keyword usage. If you don’t take care of the basics, all the rest will be for naught.

Update Blogs and Featured Articles Frequently

Websites that have dynamic blogs or featured articles (dynamic means changing all the time or frequently updated) rank better than websites that don’t have much content. Google likes to see new, original, well written, relevant, interesting and valuable content, and it likes to see a lot of it. Updating your blog frequently and on schedule is maybe one of the most important things you can do to improve your ranking. Don’t forget; optimize your posts, as well (think meta)!

Google crawls sites regularly looking for new content; it can also tell if its well written and relevant to what people are searching for. Be sure not to disappoint because it will hurt you. Update often. Update well.

Lose the Dead Links

Go through your site with a fine tooth comb and get rid of any dead or broken links. Google considers broken links and penalizes pages that have them. Fix them, or get rid of them, but clean your site up fast because Google doesn’t like them, and neither do your visitors.

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