Growth Hacking Your Real Estate Investment Business


Growth Hack to Fast-track Your Real Estate Investment Business

One of the hottest buzzwords in business today is growth hacking and you can growth hack your real estate investment business too. There is talk around town about this company, or that one, hiring a “growth hacker” or “growth hacking” their way into millions or even billions.

But what is growth hacking anyway?

Andrew Chen, silicon valley based entrepreneur and writer says in a recent post, “Growth hackers are a hybrid of marketer and coder, one who looks at the traditional question of “How do I get customers for my product?” and answer with A/B tests, landing pages, viral factor, email deliverability, and Open Graph. On top of this, they layer the discipline of direct marketing, with its emphasis on quantative measurement, scenario modeling via spreadsheets, and a lot of data base queries”.

But there are a number of answers. In a post on Quora, some of the best entrepreneurs and marketers around chimed in:

“…clever or non-traditional approach to increasing the growth rate/adoption of his or her product by “hacking” something together specifically for growth purposes”. –Andy Johns, Growth Hackers = Blah!

“A hacker is someone who is more concerned with achieving an objective than following a prescribed process…  The idea is that for every decision a company makes, a growth hacker should ask: ‘What will be the impact on growth’  …innovative growth hackers have developed various frameworks and best-practices”. – Mattan Griffel, Partner at GrowHack

“growth hacker (noun) – one who’s passion and focus is growth through use of a empirical and scalable methodology”.  – Aaron Ginn, Head of Growth @ SU

“A growth hacker finds a strategy within the parameters of a scalable and repeatable method for growth, driven by product and inspired by data. Growth hacking’s goal are based in marketing but driven by product instincts. A growth hacker lives at the intersection of data, product, and marketing…  The great thing about “GrowthHacker” is that its a term still in its infancy with plenty of time before it gets a solid definition, so until then – there’s a few “thought leaders” but everyones still throwing their own ideas out there waiting to see which one sticks – myself included”. – Florian Mettetal Digital Marketing Analyst

Sound like a lot of Silicon Valley, digital marketing, tech-talk, mumbo jumbo?

Wondering how the concept of Growth Hacking can apply to your real estate investment business?

Implementing systems into your investing business is, first and foremost, absolutely the key to success and growth in your real estate investment business. Systems that help you fast track to growth by crunching data for you and spitting out hot leads to acquisition, financing and buyers, as well as systems that facilitate branding, marketing, acquisition and sales. Systems that help you make money fast.

1-800-Sell-Now is a system that is a helps you hack the growth of your real estate investment business by giving you a turnkey, “business in a box” solution to branding, marketing and sales. Imagine if you had to start from scratch. Maybe you already have and you’re struggling to brand your business, build a website, buy a toll free number, go out and find properties for acquisition, develop your marketing mailing pieces, get your training… well, the list goes on and on. With a system like 1-800-Sell-Now, you’ve got all that in a done for you system. Sellers are reaching out to real estate investors and the magic number that gives you instant recognition, 1-800-Sell-Now, helps to assure that they will be reaching out to you.

Find Motivated Sellers Now is a proprietary system that does all the footwork (no more driving neighborhoods) for you to get you lists of vacant properties and the contact information for motivated sellers behind them.

Find Cash Buyers Now is nationwide database of Cash Buyers.  A system that puts real estate wholesaling on in a whole new category, it includes a highly acclaimed home study course, integrated tools for marketing, done for you direct mailing and a regularly updated database.

Find Private Money Lenders Now is a nationwide database of Private Lenders that updated on a monthly basis. The automated direct mailing system, study course, integrated marketing tools and database all put you directly in touch with investors who are looking to make higher returns on their money through private lending on real estate deals.

Growth Hacking: It doesn’t just apply to Silicon Valley start-ups; hack the growth of your business today by implementing systems that work.

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