6 Ways Real Estate Investors Can Show More Love This Valentine’s Day

It’s almost that time of the year again! How can real estate investors spread the love and have an even greater impact this Valentine’s Day?

Real estate investors are among the best equipped to make someone’s day at this time of year. In fact; they are among the best positioned and able to share the love with many others, and to make a big difference in the world around them, and for years to come. Assuming you’ve already got the diamond rock covered; check out these ideas…

  1. Real Estate as a Gift

There are few gifts as impactful as real estate. It is certainly a hard Valentine’s Day gift to trump. Yet, aside from new homes and romantic luxury condos for those you love – there are lots, income properties, and more to consider. It could secure and change the financial future of a generation. These are gifts that keep on giving. Look at America’s most famous and loved billionaire entrepreneurs like Rockefeller and Carnegie. Donating property for public use is one of the most notable legacies they left behind.

  1. Learning as a Gift

The truth is that even buildings can come and go. Knowledge is for life. Perhaps you can’t yet afford to give your teen a new condo tower project to take over, nor think it is wise. You can teach them, or turn friends, family, and even strangers on to the power of investing in real estate for themselves. There are few things that can really compare to the value of this.

  1. Quality Time

Shiny gifts, big gifts, heartfelt gifts; they are all great. But one of the very best gifts we can give ourselves and others is time. It’s the most precious thing. If there’s no Valentine in your life this year give yourself some quality time to think or travel. Find a family member, friend, sibling, or stranger to give some quality time. If you do have a romantic partner; devote the day to them. There will be real estate deals to do on the 15th.

  1. Pay Off Those Layaways

One of the great ways to give to others during holidays and special days is to surprise people by paying off their layaways. There have to be people out there that haven’t quite managed to pay off that ring in time. Imagine the feeling they’ll get when they find out they can give it after all.

  1. Thank You

Gratitude is one of the most powerful forces. We are so busy today. We often trust that people know we are thankful for them and what they do, but we often don’t say it enough. Who has helped you over the last year? Who introduced you to real estate? Who helped work in, refer to, or grow your real estate business this year? Give them a huge thank you. You’ll be glad you did.

  1. Share the Love on Social Media

If you’re a real estate investor who has been working on your social media you know how it can be. Sometimes the most valuable and important or heartfelt posts you invested in seem to go unnoticed. Some of the most frivolous probably go viral. Take a look around the web today and see who you can show some love to. Be generous with the likes, shares, and follows. Some might appreciate it even more than a dozen roses or a thank you card.

What are some of the forms of giving that you’ve really found to have an impact? What can you do more of this year? How can you position yourself and business to give even more generously next year?

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