Attitude Determines How Far You Can Go On the Success Journey


Attitude flows out of you whether you know it or not. You don’t have to say a word for it to happen. People will pick up your vibe, your attitude in every interaction. The good news is that you have control over your attitude. Circumstances don’t, even though it feels like they do. You are the deciding factor when it comes to the attitude you will have in life. On this coaching call, Pat walks through some of the truths behind attitude and how it impacts you, the people around you, and your level of success. You won’t want to miss this one. It’s packed full of insight you need to understand.


There are two ways you can ride out any circumstance in life. Attitude is at the heart of both. Click To Tweet


Any circumstance that comes into your life is going impact you. You can’t change that. It’s simply the way the world works. But you get to decide HOW that situation is going to impact you. You can choose to be negative about it, to bemoan the situation and get into a victim mentality – OR – you can choose to be an overcomer in that situation and approach it with positivity and a “can do” mindset. Which will you do? It may sound hokey to you but it’s not. Your attitude will make all the difference. Which would you rather be, optimistic and positive, or pessimistic and negative? It’s up to you.


It’s our decisions, not our conditions that affect our quality of life. Click To Tweet


No matter how negative the circumstances in your life, you get to make decisions that will impact those situations. You don’t have to be a victim, you don’t have to sit around and wait for things to happen to you. If you do wait for things to happen to you, they WILL happen to you. But if you are proactive, acting with a positive attitude to change the course of events, you WILL change them. You’ll see changes you didn’t know were possible if you approach hard times with a better attitude.


A bad attitude will guarantee your failure. Click To Tweet


We all know people who are hard to be around because they are so negative, complainers. They suck the life out of the room every time they come in. Those people tend to experience a harder time in life, constantly struggling, facing difficulties that seem unfair or out of balance compared to others. Much of that is because of their negative attitude. They’ve set themselves up for failure by getting into a mindset that is a “can’t do” perspective. They don’t try to do anything to change their circumstance because they’ve resigned themselves to it. That’s how a bad attitude will guarantee failure.


Each of us has been created an amazing creature. Appreciate that reality and put it to work. Click To Tweet


One of the things Pat points out in this coaching session is that you are unique. You’ve been created by God to add particular types of value to the world. It’s up to you to manifest those things in reality, to put your unique gifts and talents to work. But you can’t do it if you don’t believe that you ARE unique and talented. Your attitude, your belief in who you’ve been made to be is powerful in adding the value to the world you were meant to. This coaching session will help you get your head right so you can accomplish more. Don’t miss it.


Outline of this great episode




The Monday Mindset & Wednesday Wisdom calls are group coaching calls included in the REWW Academy. These live calls are hosted bi-weekly by Justin Colby and Pat Precourt and cover a specific topic each session – ending with live Q&A at the end of each call.


These calls are designed to empower students to be effective entrepreneurs, creating business that thrive and make money through real estate investing. Students are encouraged to attend the calls and bring any struggles or questions they have about business or real estate.


The REWW Academy program combines our complete suite of software applications with our personalized coaching and a community of like-minded entrepreneurs to provide you with the most comprehensive real estate investing program available.


If you would like to learn more about the REWW Academy, attending these calls live, or learning fast effective ways to get involved in real estate investing, go to and follow the link at the bottom to apply today.



Below is the full transcription of the Attitude Determines How Far You Can Go On the Success Journey Monday Mindset call with Pat  Precourt.

Pat Precourt:

[inaudible 00:00:00] And we are now recording. Welcome one, welcome all. Great to see you guys here. Sir Andrew, Cheryl. Guys chime in, let me know who’s here.

I put together a little PowerPoint for you today just to break it up so you don’t have to watch my ugly mug the entire time again, just to change it up a little. We’re on the power of attitude. Kind of cool. Kind of cool discussion. What made me think about it, truthfully, is just conversations from people over the weekend. It’s funny how the … What in the world? Hold on. So something’s covering something up here. Hold on. Close that. Close that. Maybe that works. Cool.

Yeah, there’s a bunch of stories. And I’ll start with one; I’ll tell you a story that my wife and I had. I think this was Friday night, Saturday night, or maybe it was Sunday, yesterday. So she does a lot of REO work; work for a bank, particularly for Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac. And they have a really hideous process in what they do. But anyways, long story short, every single week on all of her properties, all her listings she has to go out and take a minimum of 15 pictures, right, and very specific. The boiler, the electric panel, and all this kind of stuff, right? Of each and every house. And the challenge is some of these houses aren’t even on the market yet and they’ve been not on the market for six months now.

Nobody looks at the pictures, they just go on record, and she’s a little bummed out, a little stressed, about the fact that every once in a while she cheats it. Meaning that she just uses last week’s picture because nobody’s been in there since. Nothing’s changed. Does a walk through sees it all the same, whatever. But she kind of feels inadequate in what she’s doing, even though nobody is looking at this stuff. They have it, there’s thousands of pictures, right?

And I brought to her attention an interesting discussion; and apply this to all stuff that we do, right? Particularly stuff that we don’t want to do. Often times we determine, we try to determine, what we do based on someone else’s standards. But whether or not we live up to their standards is completely, independently mutual from whether or not we’re satisfied with the job that we do. We have to inherently live up to our own standards. And that was the conflict that Trace was having, my wife was having, internally. That even though nobody’s gonna watch or see these things. Nobody’s gonna know that she used last week’s pictures, because it’s all the same, nothing’s changed. Even though nobody’s ever gonna say anything to her, she knows internally, she agreed to do it a certain way, and she’s not doing it. And therefore, it’s created an internal conflict, a stress if you will.

My point there, coming down to our attitudes. We either have the attitude that we are the decision makers to the quality of what we do, or we’re gonna try to rely on something external to us. And the second we try to rely on something external to us, we lose a satisfaction, the fulfillment of doing it.

So, now take another discussion. I was talking to somebody else that I consult with. And they have like eight weeks left on a contract and work they’re doing, right? And they are miserable. They can’t stand it. And everything that happens … What’s going on Brad, good to check in man. She sees in kind of the wrong light, you know? They both know the relationships coming to an end, and the paying end of it’s being kind of an ass.

I said, “All right, here’s the thing. You can look at everything that you have to do to fulfill your agreement in your contract and hate on it.” Because she said, “Pat, every time I do this, it puts me in a bad mood, a bad space.” I said, “All right, well why would you choose to be bad? Why would you choose to be angry or pissed off?” “Well I don’t choose it.”

I’m like, “All right, stop. There’s only three ways we fail anything in life and not taking responsibility is one of them.” I said, “There’s two ways you can ride out these next eight weeks, these next two months, is you can be a miserable son of a bitch, and that will have a ripple effect on anything and everything you do and every body you come in contact with, or you can ride it out like a rockstar. How good a job you do, Because you’re like, “Well I don’t want to give him anymore of me.”

You’re going to though. You have a contract to finish. How good a job you do though it doesn’t harm them or benefit them, it can only harm or benefit you. You’ve gotta look at this differently. Start being a little selfish here. Don’t do or not do for them. Do or not do for you. And here’s the thing. If you choose to see everything like, like you just said “I’m giving him all this, he doesn’t deserve it,” Well, you’re going to keep you in a state of negativity and it’s going to have a ripple effect and it’s going to take you out every single day. It’s going to affect the people around you. It’s going to affect all your other decision making.

But if you change the position, and take a different attitude. You say, “You know what? Regardless of him, I’m gonna freaking beat him. I’m gonna crush this like a rockstar, and every step I take, I get one step closer to the end of it. And I’m gonna do it on my terms. Not have somebody else influence me in doing it.” Then you get excited, and motivated, and you jam it like a freaking rock star. And every step builds you up. It doesn’t take from you and knock you down. And that’s nothing more than a shift in attitude.

Which position would you rather be in? Which one will you sleep better at night in? Which one will affect the conversation you have with others in a better or worse way? You following me on all this?

And remember, it’s our decisions, not our conditions that effect the quality of life that we experience. It’s our decisions, not our conditions, that effect the quality of life that we experience. I’m gonna take you through a quick little training on attitude I put together for you. Kind of cool. Hope you guys will enjoys this, and I’d love to hear from you along the way. Just comment, shout it out there. Give me feedback. It’s a dialogue, not a monologue.

I’ll just move my boxes around here.

All right, so Monday’s attitude determines how far you can go on the success journey. We talk about this all the time, that life is a journey. It’s got its highs and lows and it’s on top of the peaks that we celebrate life, and it’s down in the valleys where we learn about life, but if we weren’t learning about life we wouldn’t be able to celebrate life, so we might as well enjoy the whole damn thing.

If you remind me at the end I’ll give you three things which virtually guarantee your failure which means three things to avoid which can virtually guarantee your success, but you’ve gotta remind me at the end, okay?

All righty, here we go. Or, we don’t go. There we go. Attitude 101. A great attitude will not guarantee your success, but a bad one will guarantee your failure. That is truth. Write that down. A bad attitude will guarantee your failure. For the same reasons I just used in this example here, right? The way you look at things, the way you see things will determine what happens next. It’ll have a ripple effect. It’ll effect then change the trajectory that you’re on in life. Somebody cuts you off on the highway. You’ll be pissed off and angry and just see where that takes you. Or, you could be absolutely grateful that they didn’t hit you and that your survival could have been a near death experience, right? It’s all the way you choose to see it.

“Pat, no that’s not true.” You don’t know what’s true or not true. Choose what serves you. Make that true. Cheryl says, “I just wrote a poem about this a week ago called The Journey.” I love it. You should share that Miss Cheryl. That would be awesome.

Andrew says, “I decided each morning to be in the right mood. The right attitude.” That’s awesome. You know what’s cool? You know this to be true, everyone. We can’t control how we wake up out of bed sometimes we wake up on the right side. Sometimes we wake up on the wrong side, but we can control what happens next. We can determine how we’re gonna deal with that bad attitude. There’s some really easy things to do to change an attitude.

Being grateful is one of the quickest and easiest ways to shift from a shitty mood to a positive mood. If you’re listening to my voice right now, you’ve got a lot to be grateful for. You really do. You’re a blessed individual. If you keep seeing me looking over here it’s because the question box and the comment box is over there.

Some facts on attitude. An attitude can lift up or tear down an entire team. They’re contagious. Bad attitudes are even more contagious than great attitudes, but great attitudes do effect others as well. Attitudes compound when exposed to others, meaning a bad attitude when you plant that seed it just spreads like a virus it can take out an entire team. It can take out a family. I’ve seen it many times. I come home and I allow myself to be in a shitty mood and I see how quickly that changes the posturing in my family. Bad attitudes spread faster than good ones, but I did notice over time that good attitudes have some shelf time. Once they’re planted and seeded and allowed to nurture and grow a little, they stick around for awhile. Rotten attitudes left alone can take out an entire barrel of apples so to speak. One bad apple effects all the apples.

So, start thinking about this as you walk into Starbucks in the morning. You’re either gonna be in a good attitude and radiate awesomeness and good. Or, you’re gonna be in a shitty attitude and radiate a shitty freaking persona. You don’t even have to say a freaking word. Which one’s it going to be?

We effect and infect people on a regular basis whether we like it or not. It’s not up to us. Just the fact that we exist has an effect. You ever read the book, The Butterfly Effect or where the butterfly effect is really cool? Everything we do. Everything we do, even down to every thought that we contrive, a thought being a type of energy, has an internal ripple effect on this Earth, on this world, on this universe. It’s been proven scientifically that that is true. The butterfly effect is the idea that the butterfly flapping its wings on one end of the Earth has an effect on weather patterns on the other end of the Earth. That’s proven to be true as well. You may deny it or not believe it to be true, but it’s scientifically proven. So, think about that for a second.

Now, think about all that you do. Not just in actions, not just in words, but in thought and in attitude. That’s some of your most powerful energy, and that’s some of the energy that gets transferred the quickest without you even thinking about it. What effect does that have on those around us? Andy Andrews, you’re correct, thank you for that. That’s the author of The Butterfly Effect. Cute little book.

Keys to a bad attitude: An inability to admit doing wrong. A lack of humility will keep you down. A lack of humility will beat you to the ground. It will take you, a potentially massive person and quite effectively minimize you to a tiny, little soul. That’s something I think I’m contagious to. People who lack humility.

Failing to forgive goes along with petty jealousy. Failing to forgive, or hating on someone. That’s kinda like drinking a glass of acid and thinking somehow that’s gonna effect the other person, hurt them or kill them. All it’s doing is ripping you apart from the inside out. Jealousy and a lack of forgiveness. When you forgive, you’re not forgiving for them. You’re forgiving for you. You’re releasing and you’re liberating you. There’s a time and a place to be a little selfish, and this is it. That makes for a shitty attitude. Vindictiveness, jealousness. Very, very vindictive. Low, low, low, vibration attitudes, and that attracts more garbage into your life.

A critical spirit where you look to be critical. You look for the glass half empty instead of the glass half full. That’s a critical sphere. You look for what’s wrong. You can’t compliment. You can’t find the good. You know, you will get back out of this life exactly what you seek, and when you seek crap you get crap back. When you seek good, you get good back. If you’re getting a lot of crap in your life, start looking at what you’re looking at. That’s quotable. When you are getting a lot of crap in your life, start looking at what you’re looking at. I like that. That’s a critical spirit.

I know this dude, who, there’s never a bad word out of his mouth. He’s always happy and smiley. You say, well that’s not a real world. In his life it’s real. Cause that’s all he sees and that’s all he gets, so who’s to say it’s not real. Interesting, isn’t it?

Desire to hog all the credit. You and I both know people like this, right? They always gotta be the ones who take the credit, but when the shit hits the fan they’re nowhere to be seen. Not my fault they go to blame, right? And blaming is one of those things that’ll guarantee your failure.

Blaming is right up there with the other two. You want to fail? Blame others for your situations. “Well, Pat, it’s not my fault.” Well, then there’s nothing you can do about it. The second you say it’s not your fault, there’s nothing you can do about it. Too bad for you. Or, you can step up and say, yeah, decisions I made led up to the experience that I had. Led up to what I lost. Led up to what I don’t have or have. Cause once you take that level of responsibility then you can become accountable for it which means you can do something about it. That’s a choice. Some of us would rather wallow in, “Oh, poor me” pity, victim. And, we get exactly that out of life. We’re a victim. Victim’s can’t do shit. They can just sit there and be a victim, right? Not everybody always likes to hear this shit, but somebody’s gotta say it.

You create your reality. Yes Cheryl, absolutely you create your reality. And, you get back out of this world exactly what you put into it. The universe is very abundant and very giving and generous and doesn’t make many mistakes. It’ll give you exactly what you ask for. The challenge is we ask for things we don’t want. How do you ask? You bead. You put out. You exist. But, when you’re running around angry, the universe is gonna say, “Wow, he wants more angry in his life. I’ll give him more angry.” Well, I didn’t ask for that. You did, as far as the universe is concerned.

The effect of attitude on you. Your attitude and potential go hand in hand. If you see the world, the glass half full, you will see potential around every corner. You put attitude together with a little action, with a little preparation and then you add to it potential and you’ll generate all the good luck in the world. That’s the simple formula for it. Attitude goes hand in hand. But, if all you see is the risk, the negative, you’re critical about it, then, no. Your potential will not be such.

Attitude determines our relationships, your ability to get along with other people. I know some people who get along with other people, get along with everybody, and others that don’t. Some are like magnets and some repel everything. They walk around with a puss on their face. They never want to look somebody in the eye or shake their hand, or smile at them. You’ll push me away, too. Body language speaks louder than actions which speak louder than words. That’s our order of communication, right? Our words, our actions, but then our body language. That’s the subconscious one that screams louder than the rest. Attitude then we’re feeling expressed by our behavior. Come from within that our behavior reflects of it and we’re reflected in both our behavior and it’s reflected in our body language.

How to separate success from failure. Our attitude at the beginning will be our greatest influence on the outcome. How we start the game, going with what we believe is going to happen will have the greatest influence on that game. If we believe we can’t win, we won’t win. If we believe we’re not enough, we’re not enough. If we believe we’re not smart enough, we’re not smart enough. If we believe we don’t have the right tools, then we don’t. If we believe we don’t have enough resources, then we don’t. Your attitude at the beginning will be the greatest influence on the outcome. If you wake up in the morning and you look yourself in the mirror and that individual looking back is saying to you, “You know what, we don’t know it all, but we know enough. We don’t know it all, but we know enough. We’re not big enough, but we’re big enough. We’re not as strong as we could be, but we’re strong enough.” Get it? That person looking back dictates how much. How far we can go. And, of course, that person looking back is your inward view of you.

Attitude can turn challenges into opportunity just like I expressed with that young lady I’m consulting with, right? She’s gonna use these last two months of this contracted work with this guy, this company she can’t stand, as an opportunity to propel herself into space. She’s gonna do it by providing an unbelievable experience for all involved. But, she’s gonna do it for herself, not for the company that she doesn’t like anymore. Why not?

Attitude effects everything. What shapes and influences our attitude? Our environment. What’s our environment? Our physical environment. Like, how cluttered our environments are around here. The things you have on your walls that you look at and you read. That’s your physical environment. Your emotional, mental environments? Right? How well we’re keeping this stuff in place. How often we put positive things into it. What books we’re reading, and how we’re growing and expanding from it. Or, are we filling it with garbage from the news and crap from Facebook? That’s our environment.

People are environments. Where do our people stand? Do they bring us up, or bring us down? Do they expect more of us than we expect of ourselves? Or, do they set a lower bar? They want to drag us down. They want to keep us down with them. Andrew says agree a thousand percent. Environments are massively influential on our result. Environments are more powerful than our willpower. Keep that in mind. Some of us, we like to muscle through things. You environments will out-power your willpower cause your willpower’s a deployable source like gasoline in a fuel tank. Typically about two thirds of the way through each day it’s done.

It’s how you see yourself. Of course that’ll effect your attitude. And, this has to do with doing inner work. Taking care of yourself. Each and every one of us are a magnificent creation of God that has amazing God given talents and skills innate and unique that are only for us individually. They are unlike anyone else’s formula. And were given to us for a reason, and that’s not to sit on it. Not to find fault in ourselves. It’s to manifest it and create from it. Create things that no one else can because they don’t have the same formula that we have. That means we have to be unique and authentic. Genuine to who we’re meant to be, but we have to appreciate that. Get over body type. Get over financial status. Get over all that bullshit. That for some reason we like to measure ourselves outwardly with. Let’s start with the fact that we’re unbelievable. You are fucking unbelievable. Start there. No one is more unbelievable than you. Start there.

How we see ourselves will directly effect our attitudes. Physical appearance. Do we take care of ourselves? I’m not saying you’ve gotta be a rockstar, athlete. I’m not even saying you have to be fit or anything like that. But, do you at least take the time to take care of yourself. And if you don’t and that effects you, which it will, at what point are you gonna expect this. This is your rocket ship. What’s inside your rocket ship is magical. You want to get to the moon. You gotta take care of this. There’s an old saying that what you don’t respect you can’t keep. Get what I’m saying?

Our security and status. Marriage, job, family, all of these things influence our attitude, and all of them are things that are directly within our control. Ah Cheryl you brought up the integrity wheel. Good call. We’ll do the integrity wheel another day. That does put all of this in kind of an understanding, right?

Train that to, the key to a good attitude is willingness to change. That’s the thing. Let’s start with that “h” word we talked about a little while ago … humility. I’m not all for going around all the time finding out, let’s figure out what’s wrong with us so we can fix it. No, bullshit. Because then, unfortunately, we end up focusing first on what we’re not good at. Then, we focus on our weakness and we get so hung up on what’s wrong. No, how about we focus on what’s really good. What we’re really good at and blow that up. Let’s blow that shit up. Don’t worry about what we’re bad at. Take the flaw in school, man. You’re good at four classes, you suck at two others. Now you spend all your time and energy on the two you suck at instead of just exploiting the ones you’re awesome at. That doesn’t make any sense. That’s just stupid, but don’t get me going on school.

But, the key to a good attitude is willingness to change. I am a work that’s ongoing. As part of my human DNA I’m designed to grow and change ruthlessly. Therefore, I must have room for improvement. Perfection doesn’t exist, particularly in nature. For the sole fact that we’re designed to grow and change and if we were to grow and change, it would mean we couldn’t be perfect already. We’ll never reach perfection. What we strive for: self actualization. Reaching our potential, which, as we’ve spoken about in the past is a paradoxical statement in that the more we do to maximize our potential, we, at the exact same time, are enhancing our potential. So, as we work towards it, it gets further away. Of course, we’re growing and expanding and becoming bigger, but we can never fully self-actualize. But, what we can do, is get on a steady path of growth and enjoy the hell out of the journey. Because, after all, it’s not about the destination. It’s about the journey.

See all these pieces kinda loop over and tie together. It’s kinda cool. Noreen just let me know, just yesterday that her mind acts as a filter and blocks things out purposefully because it didn’t think that there would be too much information coming in. Good, stop right there. Absolutely right. Thousands and thousands and tens of thousands of bits of information coming in all the time. We can’t possibly process them all, so we put up filters and block out like 99% of it and only let through what our conscious brain has told our subconscious to let through that we think is relative. As a test to this, he would train his brain to notice coins on a floor from people who have dropped them throughout the city, and he did notice them. He then said if he saw this then he should be able to find jewelry, too. His mind started to find this, too. He was able to try. He was able to TRA. Train his brain to see exactly what he wanted to see, focusing on a positive. Absolutely.

So, probably we’ve all had this experience where we went shopping for a car and once we picked out the car we wanted, or got the car that we wanted we started seeing that car everywhere. Well, that car was always everywhere. It was never not everywhere. It was always everywhere.

All right, here. You guys have gotta place along here. Do me a favor. Seriously, this will take 60 seconds. Seriously, legit it’ll take 30 seconds. Legitimately play along. I want you to look around the room right now and pick out everything that’s green. I’m gonna count to five. Do this quickly. Everything that’s green. Remember it, green, green, green. Pick it out. When you focus on green, you’re gonna see it. Find green, green green, green, green, green. All right, stop. Now, close your eyes. Do not look or it won’t work. You guys need to see the power of this. Cover your eyes right now. Do this, don’t cheat yourself here. Cause you will cheat yourself. You’ll really miss out on it if you don’t get this right, cause I’m gonna ask you now, about the colors.

Close your eyes and I need to know what first comes to your mind. Shout out everything right now, immediately, that is the color brown. Go, go, go, go. All right, stop. Uncover your eyes. If this exercise went as planned, now as you look around the room you will see that there’s a lot more brown things in your office, in your space, in your bedroom, wherever you are, than you saw or remembered. Yet, you did see them all. You just weren’t focusing on them. See what I’m saying? That’s the power of focus. No different than driving down the road.

For those who did that exercise let me know how that worked. It’s hard to do over the phone like this, but it’s still a cool exercise. You see the same thing when driving down the road and you see a pothole in the middle of the road and you try not to hit it. You try to avoid it and you end up freaking burying a tire in it and ripping out your wheel. Jan says, “Very true.” That was crazy. Noreen, a lot more brown in the room. It’s funny, right? It was always there. We saw it. When you’re looking around for green, you saw it all. But, you didn’t retain it because you decided it wasn’t important at that time. That’s how powerful that is. Just like that example, the coin and jewelry, Noreen, that you shared above. Awesome. The key to good attitude is willingness to change.

Evaluate your present attitude. Identify a problem feelings. What are feelings? Do you ever feel victimized? Do you feel offended? Do you feel angry? These are all feelings, emotions, right? Problem, that we shouldn’t allow ourselves to choose negative emotions cause they can only bring more negative in. That’s what we begin to focus on just like these exercises we just did, and we’ll see more of them. You’ll see it in everybody. Identify behaviors, same thing. Identify thinking, same way. Clarify truths. Secure commitment and carry out your choice. Act immediately.

Clarify truth, meaning, accept the truth that serves you. That said, you can have two people see the exact same event circumstance two totally different ways. One could see it as a tragedy. One could see it as an opportunity. Choose the truth that serves you. You say, “Well, which one’s truth?” Whichever one serves you. And then carry out your choice. Stick to it. Focus on it. Act immediately. Follow through on it. Don’t just go through a mundane exercise here and let it all go away. That doesn’t make any sense. Why would you waste all of your valuable time on this call with me and then not try and utilize some of the skills.

Brad says that I said furnished, so that counts for about eight things, so I win. Well alrighty then. Brad I know what you’re talking about. I think we have one more slide here.

Fall in love with the desire to change and watch the desire to change grow. It’s easy to get stuck. It’s easy to get put in a rut, right> It’s easy to stop making progress. It’s easy to get scared and stand still. It’s not so easy to be uncomfortable from change. You gotta want to love it. You gotta want to desire to grow and expand. Here’s the thing, ladies and gentlemen, we can never be fulfilled. We can never be satisfied. We can never be wholly complete unless we’re in a constant state of growth, and the second we start feeling resistance in our lives, like things are off base, out of whack, don’t know why, it’s usually a result of the fact we pull back the range. We stopped expanding and growing and that’s a choice we have to deal with.

Fall in love with the desire to change and watch the desire to change grow, meaning the more you do it, the more you’ll enjoy it. It’s like working a new muscle. A little pain upfront, a little pain at first, but the pain will slowly go away and then it’ll turn into a good pain. Something to look forward to. Then it’ll invite you to train and hit it hard again next time.

Awesome. That’s all I got for you guys. Hopefully, that shed a little light on how powerful attitudes are. How powerful our decision making is. The fact that every decision has a ripple effect and a trajectory that we are on in life, and it’s the little decisions, not the big ones. You know, our biggest challenges in life are not making big mistakes. It’s making tiny little mistakes again and again and again and again. It’s kinda like the old saying, have you ever been bitten by an elephant? The answer’s no. Ever been bit by a mosquito? Yeah, like a shit ton of times. So, it’s the mosquito bites that’ll catch up. You don’t have to worry about the big one, the elephant, cause it just ain’t gonna happen. It’s the small mistakes that we make in our decisions that collectively do a tremendous amount of damage long term. Just like it’s the small proper decisions that create outrageously awesome results long term.

When you first get married, you don’t then decide that I’m gonna get divorced. But, there’s a series of decisions made by the partners over time that lead in divorce. Nowhere in life do I think you actually said, “Hey, I want to be obese.” But there’s a series of decisions made over a long period of time that have led to that as well. I doubt anyone ever said, “Hey, I want to be an alcoholic.” But the series of small decisions, repeated over time has led to that effect. You follow me on all this? I know there are some exceptions, I get it. But, I think you get what I’m saying. That’s the power of decisions. Our decisions are preceded by the attitudes that we walk around this.

Cheryl said the real thing I’m pushing my ceiling, my comfort zone, I did my first webinar this week and had to figure out all the tech stuff. Congratulations. Excellent. It was stressful, but I powered through and I did it. Congratulations to you. Well done, Cheryl.

To the degree that this crap is uncomfortable, whatever it is we’re doing is equal to the degree of opportunity on the other side of the wall. Keep that in mind. Now, something I remind myself about all the time. That, the degree of challenge is equal to the degree of opportunity. Now, challenge, whether I’m afraid of doing it, and, yes, I get afraid. Whether it’s a problem at hand.

Well, guess what? Every problem creates an opportunity. Some of the problems suck, and some of them you don’t understand why you have to go through them. On hindsight, you’ll be able to connect the dots. There’s never been an experience in my life. The worst of the worst experience that I’ve been through, and I’ve been through some crappy ones, on hindsight I would not have undone any of them because of opportunities they’ve presented even to the degree that they made me who I am. I would not want to risk losing.

Andrew says thanks to me, and have an awesome day. You, too, sir. Brad, thanks again for your strong insight I’m always a little upset when I miss your inspirational words. Thanks Brad, I appreciate it brother. Cheryl, you have a good day as well.

Ladies and gentlemen, you’re awesome. I appreciate you, and I will see you back here live next week. Don’t forget, you’ve got Justin here for [inaudible 00:36:05]. I’ll be here Wednesday. If you guys want to talk about anything cool on Wednesday, Real Estate based, techniques, negotiating, finding deals, talking to sellers, let me know. We can do something fun. Justin’s away so I can screw up his call as much as I want, but you guys are awesome. Peace.


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