Why People Buy

When people decide not to spend money on a product, there are two reasons. One is that they simply cannot afford it, even if the value is a good deal.

Why do people buy products?  Whether it’s a home, a gym membership, a car, or anything else, they decide to trade their money for the product because the product has something they value enough to make them willing to pay for it.  Understanding why people buy products involves understanding some basics about what we as humans need, which goes deeper than the products themselves.  In this episode, Pat Precourt brings some important reminders and sheds some new light on these concepts.

Two Problems People Have with Price. Click To Tweet

When people decide not to spend money on a product, there are two reasons.  One is that they simply cannot afford it, even if the value is a good deal.  The other is that they do not see the value of the product being offered.  Pat gives an example of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., as someone who was able to rally people to make his cause their cause.  Though he had no social media or e-vites to promote his gathering, a quarter million people showed up to what turned out to be an historic event.  Listen to find out more about how Dr. King achieved this.


What Is Our Why? Click To Tweet

In this section, Pat passionately relates ideas about the two parts of our “why” – that is, the reason we do what we do in our professions, and, for that matter, in life.  He goes into the two parts of our “why”.  These are:  immediate priority (the ones we love and care for; family) and greater responsibility (defined by the impact that we leave on this planet before we die).  He makes a brief but relevant reference to an inspirational poem called “The Dash”, which is about what comprises a person’s life and is reflected only by a dash between two dates on a tombstone.  Did you think this was only about real estate?  Think again!


People Don’t Buy What You Do; They Buy Why You Do It. Click To Tweet

True customer loyalty is almost like a cult following, but in a good way.  You will nod in agreement at the examples Pat gives of companies who have truly loyal customers.  Pat recommends two great resources.  One is a TED Talk by Simon Sinek entitled “How Great Leaders Inspire Action”.  In this talk, Simon gives a solid presentation about what he calls a golden circle and the question “Why?”  The other resource is “Six Basic Human Needs” by Tony Robbins.  You will want to know all of them, but the last one is “Contribution”, which means being part of something greater than yourself.  It relates to our “greater responsibility” as mentioned above.  It is vital to keep growing in our understanding of this principle.

Let the Customers Make Our “Why” Their “Why”. Click To Tweet

Pat gives an example from life outside of real estate to drive home the lesson on “Why People Buy”.  He challenges us to hear where the buyer’s pain is; to listen to uncover his or her deeper reason for being interested in our services.  After really seeking to understand how our services can solve the buyer’s related needs and problems, Pat urges us to make sure we follow through on what we promise.  No sales gimmicks promoted here, but sincere, relevant service.

Outline of this great episode


Resources & Links mentioned in this episode


The Monday Mindset & Wednesday Wisdom calls are group coaching calls included in the REWW Academy. These live calls are hosted bi-weekly by Justin Colby and Pat Precourt and cover a specific topic each session – ending with live Q&A at the end of each call.


These calls are designed to empower students to be effective entrepreneurs, creating business that thrive and make money through real estate investing. Students are encouraged to attend the calls and bring any struggles or questions they have about business or real estate.


The REWW Academy program combines our complete suite of software applications with our personalized coaching and a community of like-minded entrepreneurs to provide you with the most comprehensive real estate investing program available.


If you would like to learn more about the REWW Academy, attending these calls live, or learning fast effective ways to get involved in real estate investing, go to academy.reww.com and follow the link at the bottom to apply today.



Below is the full transcription of the 6 Characteristics of an Exceptional Presenter Monday Mindset call with Pat  Precourt.

Pat Precourt:

Hello ladies and gentlemen. Welcome, welcome, welcome. Although it doesn’t look like we’re looking at the right screen yet. One moment here. We’ll get the right screen up. Bam! There we go. Just a minute. There we go, finally. Awesome. How you guys doing today? [inaudible 00:00:33] Welcome to the call. Hopefully, you all can see this screen. Let me get a little shout out. Who’s here? Where you checking in from? Let me know that you can hear me okay or get in. I know this is a Mindset type call Mondays, right, but this conversation of why people buy is all about mind. It really is. And understanding people and understanding the state that you’re in. So, we’re going to roll these two in together. Should be pretty cool.

Mr. Richard, thank you for the Happy Father’s Day. Noreen checking in. Good morning all. Checking in from Los Angeles. Great to see you. For the purpose of this conversation, and I say why people buy. Equate that to the fact that we have to sell people, for buying houses at a discount, we have to sell them on our low offer. So, they’re buying from us. Justin checking in from Maine, north of me here on the East Coast. Welcome brother. Keep that in mind. You say, “We’re not selling them anything.” No, of course we’re selling them something. We’re selling them our idea, our plan, our reason why we’re a good alternative for them. You gotta remember, when people sell houses the first go-to alternative is to call up a realtor and list the house. We’re asking them to do something out of the ordinary, extraordinary. So hell yeah we have to sell them on it and yes they’re going to buy our idea or they’re not. So it probably makes a ton of sense as to understanding why people buy. If you think they buy because of your offer, your price, you’re wrong. That’s not why people buy.

Associate the word value with decision making and price. Whenever somebody objects to a price, whether it be if you’re truly selling something and they say it costs too much, or in this case we’re selling them the discount they want and they may say, “Well that’s too much.” Whenever they see a problem with price, it’s one of two reasons and only one of two reasons. One, they simply can’t afford it, so they understand that the Maserati that you’re trying to sell them is fairly priced, they just can’t afford it. And if that’s the case then that’s the case and we’ll have home sellers like that. They can’t afford the discount we’re trying to sell them on. The second reason why they argue price is because they don’t see the value. Value proposition in the offer is not there.

So you have two cars, same price. $149,900. In one instance the consumer’s saying, “No way man. I ain’t paying that. Way too much.” And another instance they’re saying, “I’ll pay that, fairly priced.” Same price. The difference being the first one that they don’t want to pay $149,900 for is a Toyota Prius or something. They don’t see the value in the offer. So yes they’re going to have a hard time with price. The second one, the Maserati Quattroporte GTS, loaded to the gills. They see the value in the offer. They can afford it. It’s something they want. They’re okay with paying the $149,900. See a difference there? It’s not about the price, it’s about the perceived value of the offer.

So when we go in and all we do is just start throwing around numbers and what’s the lowest you’ll take and all that kind of crap and we have not established value, we’re trying to ask somebody to buy a Toyota Prius for $149,900. Who in their right freaking mind would ever do that? On the other side of it, if you own that car company, you’d fire that salesman for trying to offer somebody something like that, right, because there’s a lack of value. That’s the importance of understanding why people buy. It’s not price, not the discount, not why people buy. It’s the value offer in what it is we’re presenting to them. Fair enough? Cool beans.

You guys, as always, are welcome to chat with me, ask questions throughout this so it’s not just a monologue, me to you. Let’s have a dialogue. Me to you and you to me.

[inaudible 00:06:01] Martin Luther King, 253,000 people showed up on the green that one day, that one afternoon to see him speak. Yet there was no e-vites or invites. There was no internet and no website. There’s no emailing. There’s no robocalling. Nothing. How did they get all these people to come out? Why did they come out? Who did they come for? And the end to that question is they didn’t come for Martin Luther King. That’s what your answer may have been. “They came to see MLK speak.” No. No. No, no, no, no, no. Martin Luther King was so crystal clear in what he stood for, his offer, which is where his value is created, that he was so concise in his messaging and why he did what he did that he was able to transfer his why, his cause, from himself to his tribe. Those who showed up didn’t show up for Martin Luther King. They didn’t show up to hear him speak. They showed up for themselves because they bought in to the why, to the purpose, to the value offer. Instead of just showing up, they invited their friends because it wasn’t for Martin Luther King, it was for themselves. They want others to come along and see they were all about, see what they meant.

Terry, you nailed it. The message, absolutely. So keep this in the back of our mind as we move forward through this short conversation, right. Martin Luther King got a quarter million people to show up without any formal invite, without any mass communication. Yet the people that showed up were so deeply committed to the cause, to the degree that they made his cause their cause and they became prophets from the message. That’ll outperform any marketing you could ever do, that’s for sure.

So the big question we always got to answer is what is our why. Now there is a simple answer. Well my why is my family and my kids, my husband, my wife, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Here’s what I’m going to say about that, okay. Here’s what I’m going to share with you on that thought. I don’t disagree with that, in part. But I’m going to tell you your why is much bigger than that. Your cause is bigger than that. If you think for a second that you were given the God given innate skills and talents that you have there, so uniquely special to you and only to you, you think you were given those only, only to the direct benefit of your immediate family, then you’re way underestimating your capabilities, your purpose, and you’re pretty much disrespecting all the God given skills and talents that have been given to you.

So I’d like to see it this way. That we take our why and break it up into two parts. One is our priority. What is our priority why? That would be those that we care for. Family, wife, husband, kids, etc. the ones that we typically describe as our why. But we have a greater responsibility. So now our why is made up between a priority and a responsibility. Our immediate priority and our greater responsibility. Our immediate priority of course is our families or loved ones or whomever we put in that little circle. Our greater responsibility is defined by the impact that we leave here on earth before we leave.

Let me ask you guys a question. Have I ever shared a poem with you? I don’t know if I have it handy up here. Hold on. Let me just see one second. Maybe I don’t. Have I ever shared a poem with you called ‘The Dash’? Somebody tell me yes or no. Maybe, maybe not. Do you guys remember a poem called ‘The Dash’? I’m going to share this with you if I can dig out a copy of it. I have, Terry. Okay, cool. Thank you for that. Vicki says, “A cause of oppression during those times. My mother left us here and when we with her, her brother.” Oh, I guess there’s more to that Vicki.

So I’m going to ask you today. I’m not going to ask you answer today. I’m going to ask you to start considering this concept that if we only see as far as our immediate family, as far as what our why is, we are not opening ourselves up to influencing and attracting a tribe like Martin Luther King. They say, well we need that. We just need to buy houses. Well you do that by people buying into you. You’ve got to create value in this offer. You ain’t going to do it on the price of the house because you want it as low as possible. They’ve got to buy into you. You’re selling you.

True customer loyalty is not all getting a customer to buy a brand or to consistently keep choosing your brand. It’s to get the same customer to believe that your brand is the best and to go tell the world you have no equal. That’s customer loyalty. They brag about you. So some brands that have that level customer loyalty. Harley Davidson. Let me ask you this? Do you ever see a guy riding a Yamaha with Yamaha tattooed on his right shoulder? Hell no. As a matter of fact, how often do you see anyone walking around in a Yamaha shirt or pants or helmet or gloves or anything? The answer is you don’t. How about Honda? How about Kawasaki? You get what I’m saying? People will buy it. They may even rebuy it, but they are not tribesman. They’re not loyal to the core. Starting to see the difference there?

I’ll read these comments out loud, because whatever. “Is the speaker ever really prepared for this session? If so, presentation skills are lacking, if not why not. This is valuable time and he should honor that.” I do honor your time Don and quite honestly of the two times you’ve commented on these presentations they’ve both been negative. If they don’t work for you brother, just don’t join in. Simple as that. I take no offense to it.

True customer loyalty is not about getting customers to buy your brand or to consistently keep choosing your brand. That’s getting them to believe in why you do what you do. People don’t buy what you do but they buy why you do it. If you haven’t seen it, consider going back and watching the Simon Sinek, ‘The Three Circles of Why’ on his Ted Talk. It’s one of those most watched Ted Talks ever. It’s pretty profound and pretty solid, so I’d recommend you go check it out. It takes us to a little deeper position. People don’t buy what you do. They buy why you do it. What you do is simply proof of what you believe. What you do is simply proof of what you believe. Start equating this at how you operate your business.

Now what I’m about to say will resonate with some of you, so it’s something to consider. If you don’t believe in what you’re doing on your business, how are you supposed to execute what it is you want to do? How do I know some people feel that way, because I talk to you. There’s no right or wrong here but it is valuable to understand. If you believe that in order to get a good deal on a property you have to steal it from someone else, you have to harm them in someway, then that belief will forever prohibit you from transacting. And I would dispute that position, and that’s been proven, many, many, many, many, many times over that the discount that people sell their house for is in exchange for other, a bigger more bearing pain that we’re solving for. Nobody’s forced to do anything. Nobody’s manipulated into selling their house to us, they’re actually given an option, an alternative. And they’re choosing that is better than the other pain that’s facing them head on.

Terry says, “Some will never get it unless they get and understand military training or study any or some of the martial art training.” That’s from Terry. You know what? I don’t have a personality that everybody’s going to like. I get it. It doesn’t offend me if people don’t like it, but I’m going to suggest if you’re going to come on here and your only comments are negative comments, then don’t waste your time. That’s all. There’s nothing wrong with that. Oops.

Golden circle. This is a Simon Sinek presentation. It’s in [inaudible 00:16:58] Pretty solid. The opposite of how companies sell and why people buy. So real short and I’d encourage you to go watch it. Like I said, just go into Ted Talks. Look up Simon Sinek and look for the Golden Circle: Three Rings of Why.

Most companies tell you about what they do. That’s the outer ring. Some companies describe how they do it. That’s the second ring in. Only a tiny little, little group of companies express clearly by their actions why they do what they do. The outer ring is what they do. The second ring in is how they do it. The inner ring is why they do it. Like I said, brands like Harley Davidson, brands like Apple computer, brands like Jimmy Buffet, brands like … You may not think of this as a brand, but VW Bug. They express exactly why they do what they do and that’s why they’re such a cult like following behind them, a good cult.

Justin, the name of Ted Talk was the Golden Circle by Simon Sinek. Powerful. You’ll dig that.

Connecting our why and belief. Social interaction, self actualization. Self actualization is simply the idea of becoming all that we’re capable of being, right, and the pursuit of excellence. Reaching our potential. To become everything that one is capable of becoming and understanding to a degree what our most persuasive needs are along the way. If you were to study Tony Robbins basic human needs, different than Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. If you were to study Tony Robbins basic human needs, breaks it down into six basic human needs.

The first one being the need for a consistency in our life, the second one being the need for inconsistency in our life. The third being a need for variety … Sorry. The second one being inconsistency/variety. They’re one in the same. You can say, well, they conflict each other. Well we need both. There’s a few things in this world we need to count on. We need to know they’re going to be the same way every single time, yet we get bored very quickly, so we also have to be constantly changing, expanding, and growing. Part of our DNA to grow, and in order to grow we have to change, right. Now mind you change alone doesn’t mean you grow a rock, can change a cracked rock in half. It’s change hasn’t grown. Totally different.

Third one is love, need, connection. Those are your intrapersonal relationships. Next three, they’re all pretty powerful. Significance. We have to know that we matter, that we’re relative, that we’re needed. That doesn’t make us needed, just know that we need to know that we’re needed. Significance, growth, is the fifth here. Growth, we have to constantly be growing. It’s part of our DNA not to sit still, to constantly be growing, changing, expanding, becoming more. Pursuing our potential. That’s self actualization. Then the final one is contribution, being part of something bigger than ourselves, knowing that there’s more to this game than just us and that’s why I talk about your why.

Your why isn’t just you and your family. Your why is second part of your greater responsibility. That part of your why is the fact that you’re here for a much bigger reason than you even know right now. Some will say, well how do I know that and how do I know what that’ll be. I don’t know those answers, but I do know this. How I address it. I don’t know why I’m here exactly. I know some things I’ve done that have an impact, but I don’t think that’s the only reason why I’m here. But I do know that if I were to stop pursuing the understanding of that, the likeliness of me ever finding it would be reduced. So my job … I don’t even think my job is the destiny. I think it’s all built in the journey. It’s constant pursuit of self actualization, being all that we’re capable of being. Constant pursuit of knowing why you’re here, whether you find that out or not is regardless. It’s mute. It’s not the point. Not the destination. It’s the journey. I can find peace in that, in not knowing. Does that make sense?

So if you’re not familiar with those basic human needs, it’s a Tony Robins breakdown. It’s really powerful. It’s worth knowing and being aware of because one or two of those will be driving us at all times and be our most persuasive need at the time. Consistency in our life, inconsistency and variety in our life. The third one’s love and connecting. Fourth one’s significant. You need to be relative, important. Fifth one is growth. It has to constantly grow, be changing, expanding, becoming more. Then the final is becoming part of something bigger than ourselves. Knowing that we belong in something and our impact is gonna outlast us. Pretty cool stuff.

What attracts? We’re drawn towards a brand that we believe can help us towards our goal, self actualization, our own why. [inaudible 00:22:22] That’s powerful right there. Let the customer make our why their why. Total fulfillment, self actualization. So as we start engaging clients, customers, right, if all we have is an offer, a number offer, it’ll always be the wrong number because we haven’t added value to it. However, when they start understanding what our bigger picture is, our why, our purpose here, we can start sharing that with them. They can start connecting to it. They can start making their why … Our why their why. Just like Martin Luther King allowed so there was nearly a quarter million people.

It says, “What you have presented so far is interesting to me so keep doing what you do. There’s a bad apple in every bucket. But I do have a question about getting a better understanding about how to calculate ARV. I need examples. Please show me the math.” Andrea, make sure I get back to that, okay. I’ll get that by the time we’re done here.

[inaudible 00:23:25] Just got back. Cool Drake.

So self actualization, total fulfillment, our expression of our why behind what we do, then how we do it, then what we do. Cool. And this is where we’ll take any questions or comments on it.

Now here’s the funny thing about this. Let me give a real life example outside the real estate space. But you can just see how it plays out in a little more, maybe easily to understand realm here. We had this gym, this fitness center that we sell memberships to. And the cost of our membership relative to other gyms is quite expensive if you’re just comparing dollars for dollars. But that’s kind of like that Toyota and that Maserati we’re talking about. The box gyms, like the Planet Fitnesses of the world charge $5, $10, $15, $20 for a membership. We started about $50 and we go all the way up to about $180 for a full blown Martial Arts membership. Now if somebody comes in our gym and they just ask how much, and it’s like you showing you at someone’s house and just putting an offer on the table or saying how little will you take, right. If we just simply say it’s a … we start at $50, we’ll go up to $169, $179 dollars for a membership, they compare that to $10 in their head, they’re out the door. They don’t see the value.

If however, we say something like, “Well if we can’t give you exactly what you’re trying to achieve then a membership will cost you nothing. So let’s start with that. What are you trying to get out of a gym? In this we start our walk through the gym. We have this loop, right. As we walk them through the gym we’re showing them the features and benefits of the gym, but what we’re talking about is what they want, what they need. We’re not stopping at the way to describe it, the features that they’re using. We’re going to go much deeper. Say, “Pat I want to lose 25 pounds.” I’m like, “That’s good. So does everybody else.” Why? “Well I want to look better?” Why? “I want to feel better.” Why? Why? Why? Why? Finally get down to it. “Oh, my wife and I don’t look at each other the same way anymore. We got this 20 year anniversary coming up and I really want to make it special and I really want to rekindle the flame. I miss it. Bam! Got it. Now stop them, look them square in the eye, and say, “You know what? I can get you back that flame.” Following me in this?

So by the time we get back around to the front desk we’re talking about numbers again, do you think the fact that we charge more, you think that makes any difference in the decision making at this point, if they can afford it? Remember there’s always that element they’ve got to be able to afford it. The answer’s no because we’re not talking about a gym membership. We’re talking about the why behind the gym membership, the results, the outcome that they desire. That’s what we get paid for. And part two is we stand behind it. We get people results. We’re not like other gyms. I’m assuming that you guys all deliver on what you say you’ll deliver on as well. That’s the difference.

In the home buying business the approach is exactly the same. If there are under [inaudible 00:26:57] they’re trying to solve a problem, a pain. That’s what we get paid for. We don’t get a discount on a house. We get paid for solving the pain. But if we never bring that up, we never discuss it, we’re no different than anyone else. They’re going to price shop and take the best dollar offer they can because you haven’t given them the opportunity to see the value in you. Starting to make sense? That’s what this whole discussion is about. Understanding the why. You expressing your why. Give them something to connect to.

Listen, we make money. We’re a profitable company. I would be disingenuousness and lying to you if I told you anything other than that. And so is anyone who is telling you that they’re not a profitable company. This is not a charity. With that said, we only get paid when we solve your needs, your problems first. So let’s talk about that and then I’ll let you know if I can fix it. If I can’t, we’ll shake hands and part ways. If I can, we’ll go all in. I guarantee you’ll never find anyone more committed to solving your problem than I am. That money thing, guess what? We don’t make a penny until we’ve given you everything we promised up front. So what do you say? See how the conversation goes?

Vicki says, “Does the screen just have an end?” Yes it does and let me change that over Vicki. Make it a little less boring to look at. Hold on. We’ll go end. Hold on one second guys. Now look into your screen and we’ll click this on. Hold on. There we go. Ta-da! There we go. Hopefully you guys can see the camera now. We have a lot of storms outside right now so the internet is just … I don’t know why, but it’s so freaking weak today. All right. Let’s get back here. Hang on. I got to go back up. I missed a lot of comments here.

“I’m new on the call. Please forgive me is this question has been answered. How can we get the slides of your presentation? I think it’s awesome.” That’s a good question Emma. Now there’s a replay, Emma, that’ll be up. We’ll get it put up in short order. So the slides will be available in the replay if that’s helpful to you. I don’t know outside of that, quite honestly. I do apologize for that.

Noreen: “Not sure how this relates, but I recently saw a creative art piece shown on Pinterest. Then two weeks later I watched a documentary on Netflix and it was about that artist. Then the other night I watched a documentary featuring Tony Robbins and now you’re talking about him too. Crazy!” Crazy. I don’t know what else to say. Did you just call me crazy, because you might not be half wrong there.

Scroll down. Justin: “I missed a bunch of your mindset webinars. Is there somewhere where I can view the past ones?” Yeah, they’re all saved Justin. They’re all on the site. So now you’re going to say, “Well Pat, where is the site?” I guess probably the easiest way Justin is just to hit up customer service. They’ll direct you to them, but they’re all saved up.

Mr. Joe [Soder 00:30:44] checking in. Good to see you brother. Noreen said, “I believe solving problems is real estate.” Yeah, it is. I couldn’t agree with you more. I see real estate as a people’s game and people have problems. We take care of the people problems while we win the game. Simple as that. I couldn’t agree with you more.

“I will watch the replay to catch up. Pat, don’t say that it’s just experience.” Don’t get the comment. Fill me in, unless I dropped something there.

Terry says, “Yes. It’s stormy here too. Thanks for bringing the church to real estate investors. You’re [inaudible 00:31:25] a great message every single time. Much gratitude. From the 313.” Excellent.

Now back to, there was a real estate question earlier which we will get here. And Drake, as just a follow up to that, just comment please. I think the question was about how to come up with an After Repaired Value. Miss Angela: “I understand about how to calculate ARV. I need examples please. Show me the math.” So it’s less the math Angela. So let’s start with what is After Repaired Value represent. After repaired value represents a house in above average condition. Fixed up, repaired, done. So it’s less about the math and how you get to that. So if I pick a property address and I want to know the R of the After Repaired Value, first thing I’m going to do is research reliable comps. Comparable properties that have sold in a reasonable on-time that are as close to that property and description as possible. Three bed, two baths, 2700 square feet, two car garage, etc. The After Repair Value represents any house in at or above average condition in today’s current market here and now. Does that make sense?

What I often take into consideration as an adjustment to ARV, if it’s in a really fast moving area and I know that pricing is dynamic, I look at what I call futures. So you have comps, comparable properties in similar description, but also have sold within a relatively close distance in a very relatively short period of time from this where you are now, because you want the most up-to-date data possible. But the markets that are either quickly climbing or quickly declining, I also take into consideration what I call futures. Futures are properties that are not sold yet, but are represented on the market now.

You say, well how does that even come into play? Well let’s just say you have some values, some houses, and you see a little decline in price and you come up with a price of $200,000 for this three bed, two and half bath house, whatever. That’s your number on it. But then you look at the futures and you see .. because you’re trying to put together a value that really on a house that you’re going to sell in the future. So you’re looking what’s out there now. They’re not sold so I call them futures, but they already have houses listed under the $200,000, listed at $180,000. Guess what? If they’re legitimate comps that just haven’t sold and they’re listed less than the ones that already sold, I have to use that as an influencing number of my value and I got to bring my values down because people can go out and buy that house for less today. Does that make sense? Let me know Angela. I hope that future thing didn’t screw you guys up. Let me know if that answers that question on ARV? Okay? It’s less math. It’s more about just when are you … The only math part is you have five houses, you add them all together, divide by five, you get the average number, provided the comps. You know what I mean?

“I can’t get a call back from customer service. I can’t get into the smart program. The Apple guy screwed up my email address.” The Apple guys screwed up my email address? Customer service is really good unless they’re not there, like on a Sunday or something Vicki. If you get stuck, send me an email Vicki and I’ll get it over to them and they’ll get back to you. I guess that’s the best I can say on that. Okay?

Let’s see here. Back that on here. “Is there a service I can pay for to give me an accurate comps without having a real estate license in Georgia?” There are services, but the MLS through a realtor is, for all intents and purposes, with some new exceptions David, the most accurate. So you’re best solution is to create a relationship with a realtor. If you’re doing business with local title companies sometimes title companies can service that same data and that same information.

Vicki send me what you need and I’ll get you hooked up there.

From Rock: “I just picked up my check today for $14,454 … I can’t read numbers. $14,546.50 from the closing this past Friday. The seller’s very happy that she received the wire funds. The cash buyers extremely happy I found them a great deal to fix and flip and resale on the market for a retail price.” And when it gets fixed up and it’s values increase Rock, the town will be very happy that they have an income producing property again. A win, win, win, win. Excellent!

David: “Customer service has been sub par, but we haven’t gotten a reply from several of our emails.” If it’s ever because … Customer service is actually really good, but there could be a disconnect going on there somewhere. Again, I’ll offer the same thing to you David. Send me what you need and I’ll get you connected up, okay? There could be timing issues. I’m not going to make excuses for them. I mean it should be if you sent them something, they saw it and didn’t get back to you, that’s on us, but basically [inaudible 00:37:32] we track even response times down to the hours. So there might be a little disconnect.

“Where’s my email address?” Pat@patrickprecort.com You know what’s even easier? Pat@reww.com That’s probably even simpler to get to me instead of spelling out my whole name. Pat@reww.com Yeah. If you ever have challenges with that or whatever, you’re welcome to send it to me and I’ll send it along and sort it for you.

Mr. Drake: “I just bought 1-800 sell now for the Newport Beach, Corona Del Mar, and Costa Mesa areas. Bam! Bam! Well done. Be curious to see how that works out for you. Excited to see how that works out for you. Awesome Drake. Congratulations on that. Cool stuff.

All righty. That gets us to the bottom of my questions and comments. Is there anything else I can service you guys with today? As always I throw it on the floor, if there’s things you’d like to discuss, challenges you’d like to dig into, things you want to overcome, you got the resource sitting in front of you. Feel free to share that and we can bring it on to these calls.

All right ladies and gentleman, on that note I’m going to let you guys rock and roll. Appreciate you probably more than you know. Love having you on the call. You guys are awesome man and we’ll see you here next week. Peace.

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