What Works Best – Part 1 of 5

Now you have acquired the rights to 1-800-SELL-NOW, what do you do next?
Here is a five part daily series on what we have seen work best around the country to drive calls and Internet leads to 1-800-SELL-NOW…..
This is the one issue that people get stumped on every time.
That’s because there is no “one size fits all” answer to this issue.
Even the best marketers in the world will tell you the process is always the same whether you are marketing on the Internet, Radio, Television, Print, or Outdoor…..
“Lather, Rinse, and Repeat”. Figure out what is working best for you in your market, measure your results, make necessary tweaks, and repeat to HUGE profits.
So, here is a list of ideas that are all tried and tested around the country. Keep in mind that you do not have to use a vanity number with any of these, but why wouldn’t you? If you knew that you could increase your response rate exponentially, then why let that opportunity pass you by?
Direct Mail
There are many list brokers in the United States that can provide you with very useful data for mailing an area that you are “farming”. Public Records for probate, foreclosures, divorce, bankruptcy, and out of state owners of homes are all available either directly from your local municipality or through these brokers.
In addition here are a few places that can supply you with postcards and handle all of your fulfillment requirements.
Postcards that are direct and to the point are the most effective. Black background with white lettering and the logo. Simple and very effective.
I won’t get into the context of what each letter should contain because that will depend on your target audience. But it safe to say, that the letter should be personal but STAND OUT. These people are bombarded with these direct mail pieces the second that their problem becomes public record. Create a call to action that makes them want to contact you.
Google Adwords
Here is the best eBook out there on Google Adwords – go download it.
Having the right keywords and a site that converts is critical. Again, I will bring up a really unique feature of 1-800-SELL-NOW.
Because our domain is the same as our brand, we get CALLS from our Adwords display ads. People do not necessarily click on our link (costing us money), they just pick up the phone and call because the name is so easy to remember and speaks to exactly what they want to do….Sell Their House Now!
A lot of the industry experts would tell you that radio is an ineffective advertising medium. We do not agree with them. We have had the most success with radio versus any other form of advertising that we’ve done.
Our particular 800 number speaks well to radio listeners and they have a tendency to dial the number within just a few minutes of hearing the spot. If we didn’t have such a memorable number, I’m not sure that these spots would be quite as effective.
Google has now made Radio advertising so easy that I would highly recommend checking it out.
Click on the Audio Ads tab.