Productivity Hacks for Busy Real Estate Entrepreneurs

Productivity Hacks for Busy Real Estate Entrepreneurs

How can busy real estate entrepreneurs get more done on a tight schedule?

Whether you are currently working a full time job and are trying to get started in real estate investing, or you are already running a busy real estate company but need to get more done to hit your goals, and want to keep your results sustainable. Here are several productivity hacks to help you stay in top performance mode, get more done every day, and maintain that pace of traction.

Innovative Workouts

It can be tough to juggle a business and stay healthy. Yet, exercise is a major factor in keeping up your energy and productivity, not to mention that money alone is a poor tradeoff for your health. It can be really expensive to fix that. If you can’t get to the gym, or cancelled your expensive gym membership to put everything into your new business, then get creative. Can you walk or bike to work? How about grab a square on your office floor for some yoga or abs during the day?

What You Eat

What you eat and drink has a direct impact on your productivity. It impacts your energy levels and brain power. Eating too little protein can have a major impact on your health and brain function. Note that soy doesn’t count. Nuts, cucumber, and orange colored foods can also help give you natural energy and boost your optimism levels. Skip going out for lunch, eat healthier, and save time.

Morning Routines

Whether you are flipping houses on the weekend, wholesaling in the evening after work, or are heading in to head up your own real estate office, your morning routine can have a big impact on the rest of your day. The most successful investors and business leaders all have specific morning rituals and habits. Some meditate, others do yoga and read their goals or journal. Find what works for you, and make it a consistent, positive habit.

Spend Time with Family

Some see any downtime as being unproductive. That’s simply not true. It is a necessity, and it can pay big returns, depending on what you do with it. Spending time with family is one of the best ways to do it. That can be your kids, spouse, siblings, or someone else. It gives you the destressing time and distraction you need to recharge and come back strong. This is typically a strong support system, who will support you no matter what. That’s especially important when considering starting new things. Plus, these will be the people there for you if you ever slip up. After all, isn’t family really what you are doing this all for in the first place? Don’t wait until you make it to carve out a few minutes for them. You can’t get that time back.

Virtual Assistants

Even from your first few days in real estate virtual assistants can be an incredible asset. They have so many uses. Use them to answer your phones, field and screen lead inquiries, scout for properties, roll out your marketing and manage your social media, provide customer service, conduct research and due diligence, and more. They can be doing all this while you are working your day job, are sleeping or are focused on negotiating other deals. You’ll get further faster with this help.

Podcasts & Videos

It’s vital to keep learning in order to keep operating at your maximum capacity and to stay competitive. You need to know about new trends and technology, and emerging best practices. You don’t have to take time out to sit in a classroom to do this. There are online real estate investing courses you can take from home. There are real estate podcasts and video channels you can tap into for a few minutes each day on your way to work, with your morning coffee, and instead of watching TV in the evening.


Coaching is one of the best ways to hack productivity. A great real estate coach can help you hack years of learning, and keep you on track to your next milestones. Don’t wait until you reach another level before trying to get coaching. The earlier you do it, the faster you’ll get there.


Productivity is hyper-important for getting started in real estate, and staying on top once you start seeing results. Use these hacks and tips to get more done in less time, and rocket through to the rewards you really crave.

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