Make 2018 Your Best Year Yet

Real Estate Investment: Make 2018 Your Best Year Yet

How do you make 2018 your best year of real estate investment yet?


2018 is likely to be another big year for real estate. How do you get the most out of it, and make it your most successful year so far?


Be Mindful & Measure


This is a great moment to take time to reflect and review on your last year. Did you hit your goals? If so, should you have shot even bigger? If not, why not? Look at your data. What worked over the past 12 months? Where was your best ROI? What didn’t work? What might you want to drop for the next year? What should you put more energy and investment into?


Look at this from both a business and personal perspective. Are you getting the money and setting yourself up for the long term goals you have? Are you enjoying the journey and balancing your lifestyle with all the money making efforts? How can that be done better?


You want to be making year over year improvement. It’s great to benchmark your work against what others are doing out there. Yet, more importantly, are you personally improving on your previous records?


Tim Houghten says he carries a card in his wallet with these factors on it, and will regularly grade himself on which areas he is doing well, and which he needs to put more priority on.



If you are at 10 out of 10 in working hard, but aren’t seeing the results you want, you may be at a 1 or 2 out of 10 for innovation. More focus on being innovative, could ease your workload, while delivering more results.


Identity the weak points and choke points, and get to work on them.


Take a Break


Before you throw yourself into a new sprint forward, take time for rest. This is the perfect time of year to do it. Give your mind and body a chance to recharge before throwing yourself at the next year. Don’t see this as time out. See it as a crucial factor in boosting your productivity for the year ahead. Stay at home and relax, go hit the surf, learn to ski, or enjoy the holidays with some family. Just make sure you take a minute to recuperate and re-energize.


Think & Plan Ahead


Big results don’t just happen on their own. You’ve got to plan for them. Maybe you need to set new, higher goals. Set bigger milestones or metrics for your team. Back your way out of the end result you want for the year, and identify the number the things you need to do to make it happen. Do you need to close 4 more real estate deals a month? Will that require making 20 more offers each month, or more than that? Where will you get those leads?


Look ahead. Keep an eye on what’s trending and changes that could take place in the months ahead. Create yourself a roadmap.


Find the Resources


You may not yet have all the resources or systems to hit your higher goals for the coming year. That’s okay. Identify what pieces you are missing. You can’t operate from a scarcity mindset. Instead of thinking “I don’t have x,” ask “How can I make this happen?” Who knows the answers? Where can you find what you need. The resources are all out there. It’s about be resourceful in finding them, and putting them in place.


Who can you learn from if you don’t know? Who can help with generating the leads you need? What real estate events can you go to in order to meet people who have the answers?


Make Appointments for the Month Ahead


Despite your eagerness to make things happen, and taking action, sometimes other people aren’t ready. They lead pretty busy lives. Instead of blowing it by forcing the pitch, or tossing the lead, try to set appointments for the month ahead. Load your next month up with meetings, calls, and follow up appointments. Then get to work closing them.


Get Your Marketing & Funnels in Order


One of the factors that really trips up many real estate investors and business owners, is that they race forward, without having their marketing materials or funnels set up well. There’s no sense throwing thousands of leads are your real estate website, if you have no way to get them to opt-in and connect. Your big goals and event plans aren’t going to get far, if you are always behind on creating real estate marketing material, or are rushing it at the last second. Set up a sweet system and funnels, and let it flow.


You can make 2018 your best year in real estate investment ever! Start working this list, and get out there to crush those goals…

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