How to Build a Massive Email List


Smart Email List Building Techniques for Smart Entrepreneurs

Here’s the thing about email marketing:

If you own any kind of business, you’ve got to have a way to engage with your prospects and customers. Social media is great, but email is still the most effective way to nurture leads, as well as existing client relationships.

In fact, a recent study by Custora, a predictive analytics firm, found that when it comes to digital marketing, email accounts for nearly 10% of customer acquisitions; organic search is still the leading acquisition channel, hovering around 20%, while social media comes in at under 2%.

“Email will always deal with the reputation that it’s passé. It’s not a sexy tool like Pinterest or Instagram or Vine. But the pendulum has really swung back in the last few years, spurred in part by the recession.  People want things that generate revenue, not just bright shiny objects.”

Simms Jenkins, author and CEO of Bright Wave Marketing

Email marketing effectively delivers the most direct line of communication for turning leads into sales; smart entrepreneurs know this and take advantage of this vehicle.

So, how do you get those leads to build your email list in the first place?

Here is a list of a few things you can do to start building your email list today:

Use your company blog

Content marketing has proven itself to be the best strategy for bootstrapped startups, but most blogs are inadequately designed to convert.

When it comes to must- do strategies, there are two essential elements that you should use to perfect your blog’s conversion potential:

1. Place opt-in forms where they will be readily seen and use compelling calls to action (CTA). Opt-In Monster is a great pop-up and opt-in form solution to begin this process and build your email list.
2. Build “hub” pages with the best content you can create. Some examples of this on include our resource hubs on house flipping and real estate wholesaling.

Use social sharing buttons on your blogs and in your emails

First, and foremost, write good content. Then, encourage your blog readers and current email subscribers to share your blog and email content by including social sharing buttons. Don’t forget to include a subscribe link, so that others can opt in too.

Integrate opt in forms into your social media profiles

Leverage your social media engagement for building your email list. If you’ve got a decent social following, it’s easy to use that to your advantage. All you need to do is prompt your followers to sign up.

A good approach on Twitter and Google+ is to simply include a link to the sign-up form in your bio. It’s non-intrusive but still there; this gives people who are genuinely interested in what you have to say the opportunity to follow you.

Use Twitter “Lead Cards”

A good way to encourage more email list sign-ups on Twitter is to use Lead Generation Cards. There is a cost involved, but it has huge potential. The lead gen card lets your followers sign up for your email list without having to open a new browser tab, or leave Twitter. The Card opens to reveal a sign-up button in very much the same way as Multimedia Cards open to reveal images or videos. Be sure to create a super compelling CTA in your tweet and you’ll crush it.

Implement Facebook tab apps

In the series of tabs that reside at the top of your Facebook business page, you can easily add a tab that opens to an email opt in form. In fact, some email service providers even offer Facebook Aps; Mail Chimp and Constant Contact are two that do.

Place CTAs on every page of your website

There is no doubt that it is an absolute must that you include a link and a sign up form on every page of your website.

Often times people end up on internal pages of your site; especially if they are arriving from social media or a link from a blog post or comment; if you only have a form on your home page, you will leave a good number of viable leads on the table. Don’t allow that to happen. Sidebar opt in widgets are easy to integrate, especially if you’re using a good CMS like WordPress.

Share exclusive content that links to a landing page

A great way to get email sign-ups from your social following is to link to a landing page that includes the sign-up form. You will want to do this in your bio or profile section, but don’t forget to ad those links directly within your content, as well.

As added incentive, offer something of value to your followers that they can get when they leave their email address. Don’t go too big with the free giveaway or exclusive content, though; just give them a taste, but make sure it’s a taste of something well crafted and useful. You want to leave them wanting more.

Use Google Adwords

Capture leads by using Google Adwords and sending clicks to a landing or “squeeze” page. Make sure you craft a very compelling call to action and watch the leads roll in.

Incite email signups through traditional direct mail campaigns

Most people can appreciate a company who wants to go green. Next time you send out a direct mailer, let your prospects know you care about the environment and encourage them to sign up for your emailing list and stop receiving printed materials. Not only will you save money, you will build your list and contribute the betterment of the environment.


All of these strategies, and many more, work well for building a healthy email list. You will likely find that using them all in conjunction will give you the biggest bang for your buck. Just make sure your number one priority is creating, and sharing, high quality, valuable content.



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