Social Media Marketing for Rental Properties


Why Social Media is a Must for Marketing Your Rental Properties and How to Make the Best of it

Social Media is just for fun right? Wrong. Social media is a powerful business strategy that you should be using, regardless of the nature of your business.

But let’ say for the sake of this particular article that your business is cash flow real estate investment. You’ve got a number of rental properties that you need to keep full. Naturally, you take out an ad in Craig’s List, maybe the local paper or penny saver and perhaps list your properties or rental units with a local agent. However, it never occurs to you that you could, and should, utilize Social Media to market your rental properties.

So how do you do it? How do you take Facebook beyond connecting with old friends from high school, and twitter from the occasional, “oh, this is a great article! I think I’ll tweet it” to a useful marketing strategy? Here are a few tips to get social media – a free marketing vehicle by the way- working for you and your real estate investment business:

Getting Started:

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