Just One Real Estate Deal Could Change The Lives Of 70% Of Americans

Real Estate Deals Can Change Lives

The data shows that just one real estate deal could have the power to not only change your life, but the lives of those you care about too.

Money certainly isn’t everything, but for most Americans their biggest problems all stem from a lack of money. The latest survey from GoBankingRates.com shows that Americans are even poorer this year, than last year. 69% have less than $1,000 in savings. For most that isn’t enough to replace a broken down vehicle to get to work, cover the medical cost of a broken ankle, or to cover the rent for a single month if they get laid off or get sick. That’s scary.

Even among those that do have some savings the numbers aren’t very pretty. CNBC reports the average family has just $5,000 in retirement savings. That may barely get one individual through one month of retirement, much less a couple or entire family, or be enough to leave any type of inheritance or legacy.

It’s not that these individuals and families aren’t working or aren’t working hard. It’s not uncommon for people to be working two jobs, and six days a week. Yet, they just can’t keep up. Even a $15 minimum wage doesn’t provide enough money to rent an apartment in many US cities. Some might overspend, but many are diligent about saving everywhere they can and living within their means as much as possible.

Yes, Americans enjoy among the best quality of life in the world. Yet, working a crazy amount of hours and having nothing left over isn’t much of a life. This is especially true when you also aren’t getting in time to spend with those you love and who need you. It certainly falls far short of living to your full potential and the life you could be living.

At the same time profits from flipping houses has gone up. In fact, the average profit on flipping a house hit a new high in 2016, at $62,000 according to RealtyTrac. That’s about double the annual salary of someone making $15 an hour! And some house flippers are doing 4, 10, or even more of these deals each month.

Imagine doing just four real estate deals over the next year. What could that do for your finances? Especially when you factor in how few hours it would take compared to working a regular 40 hour work week. If you are already doing four, what if you did one flip per month?

For many, just getting their feet wet with one deal they would make an entire year’s salary, and could help them put away more savings than 70% of the country! In addition, they would have gained incredible time freedom. That time could be invested into doing more deals, and can put into pursuing the other things they are passionate about and spending quality time with family and friends.

If you think beyond what real estate could do for you, what could it do for others you care about? It could fuel helping a good cause, set your children or nephews and nieces up to reach their full potential in life, and could be used to create a powerful legacy. So even if you are making far more money than you need, and you have more stashed than you could ever spend in retirement consider the impact of creating a financial legacy that outlives you.

The thing is that there is no time to waste. We never know when our time will be up.

Most people hear this kind of information and sit on it, doing nothing. But in my opinion – making a change now should be an urgent to-do. Fortunately, with new software programs and systems it has become even easier than ever to get started in real estate investing in terms of learning, time, and money – if you do it right.

What’s holding you back? For some it may be feeling they aren’t really cut out to be swinging hammers and rewiring houses. For others it is not wanting to cramp their tiny bit of free time with spending weekends rehabbing homes. Or it could be a perceived lack of cash, or not wanting to deal with holding onto rentals and worrying about the future of the market or having to deal with tenants. The beautiful thing is that there are a variety of ways to get started. Some options like wholesaling real estate don’t require any of these things.

For the sake of your savings, your time freedom and your future it’s time to start exploring you option. And once you have a plan – make it happen!

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