Is This a Hobby or Is It a Business?

Is branding really important in today’s market?

I had someone ask me the question again last week. Along with the wonderful statement/question….

“I can get all the houses I want – why would I need a vanity number?”

Well it depends on what you want to accomplish with your real estate business in your market. Do you want to run it like a business or like a hobby?

Getting access to property first is crucial in this business and having the ability to profit from every call that comes your way is just as important. So back to the question… you want to run it like a business or a hobby?

Running it like a business involves having a valuable presence in your market. Being the person that people call because you are the “go to” person. Having such a valuable brand in the market that people call without even thinking about it. Having instant credibility because you are identified in the market with a national brand. People have seen or heard your advertising in your market or hundreds of other markets around the country and they make the call.

Running it like a business involves having a complete understanding of the market and knowing that every call that comes your way represents an opportunity. An opportunity for a win-win situation.

Running it like a business involves having a plan for every call. Will this call be an investment opportunity ,a short sale opportunity, a listing opportunity, a referral opportunity, a lease option opportunity, or hundreds of other scenarios – AND HAVING A PLAN FOR EACH.

Running it like a business involves measuring the result of every ounce of time, effort, money, or energy that you put forward and then quantifying the results. So, if you spend the majority of your time looking through the MLS, REO listings, driving around looking FSBO’s, focusing on expired listings, or other means of finding properties or new clients and then cold calling them…….

WHAT’S THE RETURN ON THAT INVESTMENT VS. HAVING A MOTIVATED HOME SELLER CALLING YOU DIRECTLY AND FIRST – …..Always just looking for a solution to their real estate problem that you can provide.

Sounds like a valuable tool to me.

If you want to run it like a business, we can help. We’re here to help bring new clients in the door. Email:

About Kent Clothier

Kent Clothier is President and CEO of Real Estate Worldwide (REWW), a highly sought-after speaker, the owner of three multi-million dollar a year Internet marketed brands, and proud husband and father. Kent is motivated by his love of family and freedom, creating products that enable people to live their lives the way they choose.