Do You Really Need A Website?

6 Ways To Get The Edge In Real Estate Advertising Now - REWW - Kent Clothier

Or Are You Just Wasting a Good Deal of Time and Money?

How to Get the Most Out of Your Web Presence.

One of the most awesome things about the Internet is that it has handicapped the big leagues. With a well-designed site, your small to midsize business can project the image and professionalism of a much larger company.

However, correctly understanding your needs with regard to web-presence will help you do something very important: it will help you distinguish between the website you want, the site you think you need, and the website you actually need- or don’t need, for that matter.

Chances are you don’t need a website at all– what you really need is a simple landing page and a good sales funnel.

Think about the objectives you want and need to meet online. Do you intend to gather leads? Create and reinforce a brand identity? Sell products, services or information? Provide better customer service? Increase your company’s presence in the market?

List your objectives in order of importance and, with that information in hand, make the right decision about your needs with regard to web presence.

Look, no matter where you turn, you will find experts telling you that you have to have a website. While it is true that a well designed website can lend you some credibility, there is a lot more to it than that. If you are going to just build a fantastic looking site and expect that to be the end of it, you are about to waste a good deal of time and money.

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