Cash Flow Investment Savings


Small Actions Can Add Up to Big Savings for Cash Flow Investors

When you have a cash flow property, finding ways to save is of the utmost importance. Failing to make the most of opportunities to save money can eat into your profits quickly, especially if you have multiple properties. Here are some small, yet important ways you can save that are often overlooked by investors.

Keep Your Rental Property Well-maintained

As a landlord, it’s so important to nip small problems in the bud before they become hard-to-control, costly issues that affect the livability and quality of your property, or even the safety of your tenants. Do frequent inspections, develop a team of affordable and reliable professionals handy (such as house cleaners, handymen, appliance specialists, and gardeners), and address any tenant concerns promptly.

Here’s a shortlist of things to put on your to-do list:

Cross Your T’s and Dot Your I’s

Have any leases checked by an attorney, and make sure there are proper provisions for late rent, evictions and damages. Make sure that all property rules are clearly understood, and that all deposits are properly handled. Research tenants’ and landlords’ rights in your state, and make sure you abide by every law and document every communication with your tenants in writing. All of this will help you avoid fines and court fees, and help ensure that court cases are ruled in your favor.

Attend to risk management

Even with the best of intentions and the best preparations, landlords sometimes have to face costly problems like vacancies, lengthy eviction attempts, and property damage. Expecting the unexpected can help you mitigate the costs of unpleasant tenant situations.

There are two things you can do:

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