Real Estate Tips for First-Time Sellers

First Time Real Estate Sellers: Tips for Success

When we’re dealing with a first-time sell you should keep in mind that the market today is very much unlike what things were like years ago. Today the market can be a bit of a challenge for those willing to sell their property. You will need to provide further incentive to your future buyers so they would decide to do the purchase and close the deal. One of the first things you have to remember is that the value of your home is not measured by the amount of profit but by how much your buyers would enjoy it. Let’s start with a few useful tips to point out what we need to do to prepare for a sale:

Realistic pricing is necessary
You should keep in mind that the largest amount of showings you will experience will most likely occur in the first few weeks. The internet and its websites offering such services will nowadays tend to attract the majority of the showings as most potential clients are connected to the web. This is of great advantage to you so make sure you keep a price that would be as desirable as possible and never inflate it to unreasonable levels. You will only sabotage your own efforts that way.

Be prepared to sell for less than what you expected
You should focus on getting the tax assessment estimate or the appraised value of your home, however don’t expect far too many people to jump at the first chance of buying. In many cases you should be aware that people are only willing to give as much as they believe the house deserves and not the amount you’ve had it assessed at.

Promote your home
One of the first questions you should ask during your eventual interview with a real-estate agent is how they will reach the target market of your home. You should keep in mind what the most desired target demographic is for your home. Your promoting efforts should cater go the new ways technologies are developing so make sure you do whatever you can do adapt to them. QR codes linking to the listing near your home as well as the phone number and sale sign are one good way of attracting the attention of those passing by. Website listings and similar web-based promoting efforts are also necessary in this day and age. Make sure you put up as many photos of your home to show it completely. This will help its curb appeal especially well if you have professional-quality photographs taken of it at its best moments.

Extra bonuses
You should keep in mind that sometimes the smallest of things can go a great way toward improving your odds of selling the home. Throwing in some bonuses in the process will give you and edge you will need to get the job done. Offer an appliance as part of the deal or something else to raise your success chance as this will be looked upon as a great addition in all cases.

About Kent Clothier

Kent Clothier is President and CEO of Real Estate Worldwide (REWW), a highly sought-after speaker, the owner of three multi-million dollar a year Internet marketed brands, and proud husband and father. Kent is motivated by his love of family and freedom, creating products that enable people to live their lives the way they choose.