Real Estate Investing Expert Kent Clothier Announces the Introduction of Clothier Success Institute

Kent Clothier and company maintain one primary focus: to provide the gold standard in real estate education and opportunity for their loyal patrons. In keeping with that focus, today Kent Clothier announces the introduction of the Clothier Success Institute™ (CSI). Mr. Clothier, a long-time real estate investor, first brought his successful practices and principles to fellow investors in 2006 with the introduction of 1-800-SELL-NOW and subsequently, Find Cash Buyers NOW.
Since then, he and his family have continued to find success in their methods through, where last year alone the company sold 301 homes by using the same methods that Kent teaches his students. Unlike many investors who find success and decide not to teach their secrets to others for fear of potential competition, Mr. Clothier believes in the saying that “a rising tide raises all ships.” His commitment to building the Clothier Success Institute™ (CSI) is proof positive of his long-standing values and beliefs.
The vision for Clothier Success Institute™ (CSI) is to assist people with seizing the additional opportunity for success in real estate investing, an opportunity that seems to follow Clothier’s students. Mr. Clothier explains, “Our ‘Find Cash Buyers Now’ program has proven to be a great starting point for our students. However, once they are in the real estate investing business, other significant opportunities present themselves. As a result, we find that additional foundational education is necessary for our students to take advantage of those opportunities.”
Staying true to their focus, the Clothier team decided that they would lead the way for their students by creating Clothier Success Institute (CSI).
Over the last year, the company has gone to great lengths and expense to search out, evaluate and compile the finest in general studies for real estate investors. That search led to an agreement between Clothier Success Institute (CSI) and Nouveau Riche Academy (NRA).
Over the last decade, the Nouveau Riche Academy (NRA) became known as the premier real estate education system in the country. NRA is the only system in the entire real estate education industry to have ever received the America Council on Education (ACE) college credit recommendation. Over a five year span, NRA served approximately 30,000 students with 590 days of education taught by 47 different real estate investor/instructors. NRA offered a unique model: each instructor was a successful investor practicing the methods that they were teaching. Furthermore, NRA was diligent in surveying each student, in every class, to evaluate their instructors. Over the five year period, NRA instructors received an average student appreciation score of 93.29%, an unprecedented claim to the quality of the education. The NRA education system was so successful that 80.5% of all students repeated the experience. Now, through this new agreement between CSI and NRA, the Clothier Success Institute announces the availability of the NRA classes through the CSI online classroom.
The Clothier team believes that this education will take its loyal students to new heights in their real estate investing success. Mr. Clothier stated, “I have never seen more opportunity in real estate investing. The markets are at rock bottom and there is nowhere to go but up. This Nouveau Riche Academy education will help ensure that our students can take advantage of all the opportunities this market has to offer over the next several years.”
To learn more about the Clothier Success Institute, go to or call 888-411-1705.