Answer The Phone!!!



A recent client called into the office complaining that she wasn’t getting as many leads as she wanted from 1-800-SELL-NOW.

We check the reports and a steady stream of calls has come in for weeks now.  However, all the calls are less than 30 seconds which typically means they are being answered by voice mail.

(FYI, 1-800-SELL-NOW auto forwards directly to our clients phone number of choice for their area, so they are responsible for the “answering side” of the call)

So…….we have been attempting for 9 days now to call her back to let her know about our findings.

And, what do you know?  HER VOICE MAIL IS FULL………FOR 9 DAYS!!!!!

HELLO??????      This is why you are not getting any leads.

When a seller or buyer calls you – they need to reach someone – not a FULL voice mail.


This is where some common sense has to kick in.

You cannot complain about lack of leads if you are not answering the phone OR allowing the caller to leave a message when the leads are coming in.

As business owners, we are paying to create leads, but it obviously does not stop there…….you HAVE to answer the phone and follow up.  THIS IS CRITICAL.

I’m bringing this up because this has happened more times than you would ever believe.

It boils down to – run your business like a business.  Have a system, policy, or procedure in place every step of the way so that you can measure results.

If you cannot put 2 and 2 together to see that your voice mail is full and therefore leads are dying before they ever reach you – then you need to regroup, reevaluate, and put a better plan together.

Believe it or not.


P.S. We still have not been able to reach her on the phone, so I hope she reads email or Facebook and will call us back.




About Kent Clothier

Kent Clothier is President and CEO of Real Estate Worldwide (REWW), a highly sought-after speaker, the owner of three multi-million dollar a year Internet marketed brands, and proud husband and father. Kent is motivated by his love of family and freedom, creating products that enable people to live their lives the way they choose.

3 comments comments closed

  1. I need help setting up telecom logistics… I’d like our calls to go to a call center that can have a live person answer who is trained to take 800 sell now calls. They can take down all the info, and forward the call and/or info to myself or my business partner when appropriate. Any advice? I’m sure that since this is such a successful, existing brand that there’s a designated or frequently used call service or virtual assistant service, correct?