$100,000 in 12 Months (Part 2)
As Kent continues to walk through his coaching series “$100K in 12 Months Real Estate Investing” he’s got a very important piece of the process to share with you on this episode. It’s that first phone call you make to a prospective cash buyer. You will be nervous, and you should be. But you can’t let those jitters keep you from making the calls. You won’t get the experience unless you give it to yourself by taking action. That’s what it takes to move ahead, conquer your fears and lack of knowledge, and become a skilled real estate investor. On this episode, Kent tells you exactly what needs to happen in your initial calls to cash buyers, so be sure you listen.
Every wholesaler is a newbie at some point. But you don’t get experience without starting.
It’s the old chicken and the egg problem. You need experience to do a good job in any line of work. But you can’t get the experience until you are actually IN that line of work. What do you do? You have to get started. You will make mistakes. You will have times when you don’t know what to say or how to answer. But you will learn. You are smart and capable and able to grow. That’s what will make you successful, not the experience you don’t have. Find out how Kent suggests you get started and how to navigate the first calls you make to cash buyers, on this episode of The Time Is Now.
How to get cash buyers to paint you a picture of their ideal deals.
Once you’re on the phone with a cash buyer what do you say? How do you respond if you’re asked a question you can’t answer for certain? Those are definitely things to get figured out but they are not the first things you have to nail down. First, you need to know how to get your buyer talking, how to get THEM to tell you exactly what they are looking for in properties they want to purchase. They are already hungry, already looking for properties to buy. You just need to know exactly what kind of properties so you can find them and supply them. Kent tells you how to do it through the questions you ask, on this episode.
The main things you need in order to build trust are not experience or success.
There are lots of things you COULD say to a cash buyer to give them confidence in your experience and ability to bring them good deals. But when you first begin you don’t have experience. What’s even more important than experience is the integrity and wisdom you bring to the conversation. You want them to hear that you won’t do shady deals, you won’t overpromise and underdeliver, you won’t break their trust. Most of that comes across in the way you handle yourself in that initial call. On this episode, Kent tells you the kind of questions that will help you do just that, so don’t miss it.
Why you don’t find properties – you create inventory.
Anybody can scour the MLS or search HUD listings and find properties. The cash buyers you’ll be talking to probably have people doing that already. You want to go a step beyond that. You want to find properties that are an ideal fit for the cash buyers you build relationships with. Why? Because your help makes their job easier. It makes one of the most tedious parts of their business as smooth as silk. They no longer have to find the properties they are looking for. You hand them the exact inventory they want on a silver platter. That builds trust – and they’ll open your email and take your call every time from then on out. Do you want that to be YOUR situation? Find out how, on this episode.
Outline of this great episode
- Review of the last episode and working from there.
- Engaging with and nurturing your buyers, even if you feel like you’re not capable – yet.
- Why a cash buyer is never going to respond to your marketing – normally.
- The kinds of questions you need to ask potential buyers – let them paint the picture.
- Using the “4 step process” to help your buyers feel good about you.
- Why you don’t find properties, you create inventory.
- WIIFM – Let your buyers know what’s in it for them.